Photo Gallery - "Aladdin" (Dec 2008)






     Aladdin Twankey ... Emma Ewards

     Widow Twankey ... Graham Lister

     Wishee Washee Twankey ... Matthew Pearce

     The Great Abanazar ... Ken Venus

     Chopsuey The Twelfth ... Ian McWha

     Dragona the Thirteenth ... Carole Welby

     Princess Say Wen ... Courtney Beaumont

    So Shi ... Katie Houston

     Sing Hi ... Samanda Sankowsky

     Chow Mein The Grand Vizier ... Raymond Sinnamon

     Prince Pekoe ... Brent Ephraims

     Bamboo ... Lyn Greer 

     Typhoo ... Jeanine Hand 

     Rick Shaw ... Natalie Howe

     Strong Pong ... Paul Burrell

     Madam Flash Bang ... Natille Wade

     Mazda The Genie ... Luke Scotney 

     Mazawattee ... Mione Caterer

     Courtiers, Attendants & Slaves ...

          Claire Moriarty, Jamie Thomas,

          Andrea Slingsby & Chris Bathman


     THE DIRECTORS ... Tricia Garson & Nigel Dick



The Twankees - Widow Twankee, Aladdin & Wishee Washee)
Last Updated ( Monday, 17 April 2017 )